Set in the idyllic British countryside, Silver Leys is located in the picturesque village of Little Hadham in Hertfordshire. The club was first established in 1894 and is believed to be the oldest polo club in England. It boasts three full-sized grass pitches, a brand new all-weather arena, a smaller schooling arena, all-weather exercise track and 120 acres of grass paddocks.

The club is also home to 5th Sin Cafe & Restaurant. Open Tuesday - Sunday, the dynamic duo of Liz & Monique will fulfil your wildest food dreams.

Kynetics Sports Injury Clinic provides sports therapy and pilates classes to both equestrians and the general public.

*Please note- All lesson goers at Silver Leys Polo Club must sign up for general membership.

This is only £20 and offers you a wide range of benefits with onsite providers as well as guaranteed entry into the Summer’s Biggest Polo Events!

Available here -

Silver Leys schooling arena